Community Seismic Network
A low-cost dense seismic network

Files are each acceleration waveform time series recorded by Community Seismic Network (CSN) strong-motion stations for select California and global earthquakes. Community Seismic Network stations are all three-component accelerometers, and each file corresponds to a single station-component. Most files contain approximately five minutes of continuous waveform data, with at least one minute of pre-event waveform. Filenames indicate station, component, and start time. File formats are all Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) binary format. Metadata including station location, sample rate, start time, time series length, and floor level are stored in each file's header. Data are all raw with no processing applied. Amplitude units of all files are gravitational acceleration, g (9.8 m/s*s), and time units are seconds. All times are in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time zone.