CSN Publications
Peer-reviewed publications using Community Seismic Network data:
- Prieto, G., and M. D. Kohler, Time-varying damping ratios and velocities in a high-rise during earthquakes and ambient vibrations from coda wave interferometry, Earthquake Spectra, doi:10.1177/87552930241240458, 2024.
- Mohammed, S., R. Shams, C. C. Nweke, T. E. Buckreis, M. D. Kohler, Y. Bozorgnia, and J. P. Stewart, Usability of Community Seismic Network recordings for ground-motion modeling, Earthquake Spectra, 2024.
- Tepp, G., I. Stubailo, M. D. Kohler, R. Guy, and Y. Bozorgnia, Shake to the beat: Exploring the seismic signals and stadium response of concerts and music fans, Seis. Res. Lett., doi:10.1785/0220230385, 2024.
- Vela, V., E. Taciroglu, and M. D. Kohler, Vertical system identification of a 52-story high-rise building using seismic accelerations, IWSHM2023, 2023.
- Abdelbarr, M. H., M. D. Kohler, and S. Masri, Structural identification and monitoring of a 52-story high-rise building in downtown Los Angeles based on short-term wind vibration measurements, J. Structural Engineering, 149(1), doi:10.1061/JSENDH.STENG-11111, 2023.
- Tamhidi, A., N. Kuehn, S. F. Ghahari, A. J. Rodgers, M. D. Kohler, E. Taciroglu, Y. Bozorgnia, Conditioned simulation of ground-motion time series at uninstrumented sites using Gaussian Process Regression, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 112(1), 331-347, doi:10.1785/0120210054, 2022.
- Muir, J. B., R. W. Clayton, V. C. Tsai, and Q. Brissaud, Parsimonious velocity inversion applied to the Los Angeles Basin, CA, J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2021JB023103, doi: 10.1029/2021JB023/103, 2022.
- Filippitzis, F., M. D. Kohler, T. H. Heaton, R. W. Graves, R. W. Clayton, R. G. Guy, J. J. Bunn, K. M. Chandy, Ground motions in urban Los Angeles from the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, Earthquake Spectra, 37(4), 2493-2522, doi: 10.1177/87552930211003916, 2021.
- Kohler, M. D., F. Filippitzis, R. Graves, A. Massari, T. Heaton, R. Clayton, J. Bunn, R. Guy, and M. K. Chandy, Variations in ground motion amplification in the Los Angeles basin due to the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake: implications for the long-period response of infrastructure, In: ASCE-UCLA Lifelines Conference 2021-2022, 2021.
- Kohler, M. D. and the Community Seismic Network team, The Community Seismic Network for dense, continuous monitoring of ground and structural strong motion, In: Proceedings of SMIP 2021 Seminar on Utilization of Strong-Motion Data, California Department of Conservation, Sacramento, CA, 77-89, 2021.
- Kohler, M. D., F. Filippitzis, T. H. Heaton, R. W. Clayton, R. G. Guy, J. J. Bunn, K. M. Chandy, 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake reveals areas of Los Angeles that amplify shaking of high-rises, Seis. Res. Lett., 91(6), 3370–3380, doi: 10.1785/0220200170, 2020.
- Clayton, R., M. Kohler, R. Guy, J. Bunn, T. Heaton, and M. Chandy, CSN/LAUSD network: A dense accelerometer network in Los Angeles schools, Seis. Res. Lett., 91(2A), 622-630, doi:10.1785/0220190200, 2020.
- Kohler, M. D., R. Guy, J. Bunn, A. Massari, R. Clayton, T. Heaton, K. M. Chandy, H. Ebrahimian, and C. Dorn, Community Seismic Network and localized earthquake situational awareness, 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11NCEE), Los Angeles, CA, June 25-29, 2018.
- Massari, A., M. Kohler, R. Clayton, R. Guy, T. Heaton, J. Bunn, K. M. Chandy, and D. Demetri, Dense building instrumentation application for city-wide structural health monitoring and resilience, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile, January 9-13, 2017.
- Kohler, M. D., A. Massari, T. H. Heaton, H. Kanamori, E. Hauksson, R. Guy, R. W. Clayton, J. Bunn, and K. M. Chandy, Downtown Los Angeles 52-story high-rise and free-field response to an oil refinery explosion, Earthquake Spectra, 32(3), 1793-1820, doi: 10.1193/062315EQS101M, 2016.
- Clayton, R. W., T. Heaton, M. Kohler, M. Chandy, R. Guy, and J. Bunn, Community Seismic Network: a dense array to sense earthquake strong motions, Seis. Res. Lett., 86, 1354-1363, doi: 10.1785/0220150094, 2015.
- Evans, J. R., R. M. Allen, A. I. Chung, E. S. Cochran, R. Guy, M. Hellweg, and J. F. Lawrence, Performance of several low-cost accelerometers, Seis. Res. Lett., 85, 147-158, doi: 10.1785/0220130091, 2014.
- Faulkner, M., R. Clayton, T. Heaton, K. M. Chandy, M. Kohler, J. Bunn, R. Guy, A. Liu, M. Olson, M. H. Cheng, A. Krause, Community sense and response systems: your phone as quake detector, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (CACM), 57, 66-75, 2014.
- Kohler, M. D., T. H. Heaton, M. H. Cheng, and P. Singh, Structural health monitoring through dense instrumentation by community participants: the Community Seismic Network and Quake-Catcher Network, 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (10NCEE), Anchorage, Alaska, July 21-25, 2014.
- Kohler, M. D., T. H. Heaton, and M. H. Cheng, The Community Seismic Network and Quake-Catcher Network: enabling structural health monitoring through instrumentation by community participants, Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Structures/Non-destructive Evaluation Conference, San Diego, CA, March 10-14, 2013.
- Clayton, R., T. Heaton, M. Chandy, A. Krause, M. Kohler, J. Bunn, R. Guy, M. Olson, M. Faulkner, M. H. Cheng, L. Strand, R. Chandy, D. Obenshain, A. Liu, and M. Aivazis, Community Seismic Network, Annals of Geophysics, 54 (6), doi: 10.4401/ag-5269, 2011.
Caltech and UCLA PhD theses using CSN
- Tamhidi, Aidin (2022), Earthquake Resilient Smart Cities: A Framework for Collection and Utilization of Highly Granular Field Data for Seismic Performance Characterization of Soft-Story Buildings. Dissertation (Ph.D.), University of California, Los Angeles. link
- Filippitzis, Filippos (2020), Identification of Structural Damage, Ground Motion Response, and the Benefits of Dense Seismic Instrumentation. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. link
- Massari, Anthony Thomas (2018), Achieving Higher Fidelity Building Response through Emerging Technologies and Analytical Techniques. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. link
- Cheng, Ming Hei (2014), New Applications that Come from Extending Seismic Networks into Buildings. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. link
- Olson, Michael James (2014), Cloud Computing Services for Seismic Networks. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. link
- Faulkner, Matthew Nicholas (2014), Community Sense and Response Systems. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. link
- Liu, Annie Hsin-Wen (2013), Sensor Networks for Geospatial Event Detection - Theory and Applications. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. link
Peer-reviewed publications on damage detection methods using FE models of CSN-instrumented buildings:
- Abdelbarr, M., A. Massari, M. D. Kohler, and S. Masri, Decomposition approach for damage detection, localization, and quantification for a 52-story building in downtown Los Angeles, J. Eng. Mech., 146 (9), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001809, 2020.
- Kohler, M. D., A. Allam, A. Massari, and F.-C. Lin, Detection of building damage using Helmholtz tomography, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 108 (5A): 2565-2579, doi: 10.1785/0120170322, 2018.i
- Massari, A., R. W. Clayton, and M. Kohler, Damage detection by template matching of scattered waves, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 108 (5A), 2556-2564, doi: 10.1785/0120170319, 2018.
- Ebrahimian, H., M. D. Kohler, A. Massari, and D. Asimaki, Parametric estimation of dispersive viscoelastic layered media with application to structural health monitoring, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 105, 204-223, doi: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2017.10.017, 2018.
- Ebrahimian, H., M. Kohler, A. Massari, and D. Asimaki, Parametric estimation of wave dispersion for system identification of building structures, Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures conference (EVACES2017), San Diego, CA, July 12-14, 2017.
- Ebrahimian, H., M. Kohler, A. Massari, and D. Asimaki, System identification of building structures through seismic waveform inversion, Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC-XXXV), (extended abstract), Garden Grove, CA, January 30-February 2, 2017.