CSN Contributions to Earthquake Early Warning (EEW)
CSN is sending peak amplitude ("pick") data to the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning algorithm FinDer. This method of augmenting existing seismic network datasets shows how a community-hosted model of seismic instrumentation can be used to fill geographical gaps in station coverage, especially near active faults, and can help characterize finite-fault behavior.

Schematic of CSN Dataflow to EEW. The earthquake detections are sent as "picks" to the ActiveMQ (AMQ) in the Amazon Cloud (AWS) and then to the FinDer algorithm. The ShakeMap data follows a similar path to the ShakeMap program.
In our demonstration, implementation of CSN's earthquake early warning pick distribution, the CSN client sends picks generated at the station site to the earthquake early warning development server via Amazon Web Services The CSN client includes the NTP-based corrected timestamp in the data message. On the earthquake early warning development server, each data message is timestamped upon receipt. This new model of sending only peak amplitude pick data from community-hosted accelerometers can contribute low-latency data to ShakeAlert algorithms.

Latency of CSN Dataflow. Of critical importance to EEW is the latency (or transmision delay) of ground motion data. The left panel shows typical latencies for CSN data (typically less than 0.01 sec) and the right panel shows latencies for the SCSN (usually about 0.2 sec).